1) Apple's first logo was not real Apple (fruit) it was Isaac Newton sitting under the tree '
2) At first Apple had three co-founders Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak & Ronald Wayne but Ronald Wayne left the company after 12 days Apple was founded.

3) Apple company is so big, that it has twice the amount of money that the United States Treasury.
4) Apple launched its computer line called Lisa in 1983. It was a failure for Apple, About 2,700 of the Lisa devices are thrown in a landfill in Utah.

5) This company is so successful, that in the 1st quarter of 2014, the company made huge money than Facebook, Amazon & Google combined.
6) Apple has excess capital of about $150 billion that it could buy big companies like Facebook & Netflix.
7) Steve Wozniak sold his scientific calculator to raise money for Apple.
8) Digital color camera was first made by Apple Company.

9) Apple iPod was inspired by the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

10) Every citizen of America could get $490 if Apple decides to give his cash on hand which is around $155 billion.
The Apple company had launched a range of mac books but M1 chip MacBook Air had gained more popularity & has got some unique benefits.
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